Our faith gives us strength and power, and it also helps us overcome anything. But it is tough to keep your faith in times of darkness. In these trying times, we must keep our faith sturdy and unwavering as we face a crisis caused by the pandemic.

Most of us keep our faith intact by going to church or reading the scripture because we relate our everyday personal life to the bible. We seek guidance and strength through the word of God. The lessons we learn from God and Jesus grounds us and helps us keep our faith solid.
Some devotees also pilgrimage to holy locations, churches, and historical places. It is an old tradition to renew faith and to encounter God and his miracles. One popular pilgrimage is to follow the trail of Jesus Christ through-out Israel, where you can touch and see the actual holy relics and historical sites along the way.
Because Jesus Christ walked and lived among us and he was able to touch, create and experience things on earth, some relics and monuments were preserved and can be visited to witness the life of Jesus. Others go to these places to pray, contemplate and atone for their sins and seek inner peace and tranquillity through the Holy Spirit.
Holy Land Tours is a company that aims to bring the Gospel of Jesus to every person. They customize trips to Israel to help you find your faith and purpose in life. The trip is flexible in deciding where you want to go or what you want to experience, depending on your choice, time, and budget. You could also attend conferences, Bible studies, book sales, testimonies and bibles, CDs, and counseling as part of the trip.
For the Holy Land Tours, the trip is mainly educational rather than religious. For the devotees, the effect could be overwhelming to one's faith as you retrace Jesus Christ's steps across Israel.
Cynthia Harry, the Holy Land Tours owner, wants to share her experiences and knowledge about God. Harry is also a writer and blogger and has authored several spiritual books to inspire and uplift people's faith in God. She founded Live to The Max Ltd. to create a platform to help people because she fears that many veers away from religion because of the distractions and evil surrounding us.
Harry organizes trips to the Holy Land to help people discover God's greatness and help people find Jesus. Go on this trip and come back with your faith renewed. The purpose of the journey is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every living person. Experience the retreat of the lifetime and the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit.