With his autobiography, Thomas-Ian Nadeau recounts difficult moments of his life, his struggles, and how he struggled to overcome these hardships. He bares his soul in "My Embodiment as a Broken Record," a testament that will show readers the innermost depths of Nadeau's soul, the pain and anguish he experienced, as well as the strength within him that allowed him to endure and prevail.

In his short autobiography, he tackles questions that troubled him, such as the morality of homosexuality and what awaits people with that sexual orientation in the afterlife. He tells his story through a stream of consciousness organized according to chapters with enigmatic titles like "Actuality," "But Forsaken once Again," and "Problem End." His life story is not a literal retelling but one with embellishments and metaphors, making it subject to interpretation. These narratives feature heavenly angels, the doomed couple Daniel and Samantha, and powerful villains from the depths of hell who clash in a battle between good and evil that will reset the balance of Heaven and Hell. The core of this clash is the forbidden love between Daniel and Samantha, which transcends the boundaries between life and death. At the same time, the idealism of these lovers is tested by the antagonists before them and the very celestial order they dare to challenge. Readers will see how the lovers fare when that bond they have for one another is confronted by the circumstances around them, serving as a metaphor for how in life, people's passions and convictions must withstand all that reality throws their way.

Nadeau portrays his internal struggles through these characters, whose exploits are chronicled in a collection of short vignettes akin to journal entries. Through them, Nadeau wrestles with matters such as morality, homosexuality, the afterlife, his perception of himself as well as society's expectations. He also draws from his own struggles with mental illness, hospitalization, and living in group homes. Despite these difficulties, Nadeau has not given up, and he infuses this spirit of perseverance into the pages of his story.
"It was something built on. Stream of consciousness and determination. It started with chance." Nadeau says, explaining what inspired his work. He also says that the horror stories he read when he was younger, such as Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles" and Thomas Harris' Hannibal Lecter stories. By sharing his struggle, he hopes his readers will learn to accept themselves and free themselves of doubt and pain in order to live happy lives. "People have to stop wearing invisible masks and just be themselves. This story was meant to inspire most people."
About the Author
Thomas-Ian Nadeau hails from Montreal, Quebec, and later moved to the big city during his adolescence. Since his youth, he has had mental health issues, lived in group homes, and had bouts of hospitalization. Currently, he is 24 years old and hoping to return to school in the near future.