While most parents rely on schools and universities for the future of their children, can it be possible that at some point, educational systems do not sharpen up children's minds? This statement is a bit odd because it contradicts a system whose only aim is to shape well-developed children. However, do we all agree that educational institutions do not know best?

Furthermore, most educational institutions emphasize science and mathematics when, in fact, it also has the exact equivalence as art and history. They'd encourage children to develop extraordinary inventions and medicines that might change the whole world, rather than educating students to appreciate the essence of art and history in our lives. Don't you notice that most students focus more on whether they remember who and when of the war's events rather than fully comprehend why it started and how it ends? Sadly, the situation happens also in art subjects. If only we edify to students the real essence of these stories, colors, shapes, then they might find a more meaningful purpose in their lives.
On top of that, it can also help them expand their skills and erase the boundary regarding significant and insignificant subjects. But to answer the question, do educational institutions really know best? Indeed, they know what is right. Although there is a disparity in treating subjects unfairly, they still offer what is best for humanity. After all, every subjects matter and they are interconnected to one another.

William Christ, an author, architect, and teacher who has been writing books mostly about arts, history, designs, crafts, and activities. Working with young students drove him to write books with these kinds of genres. William Christ has also published several books that will surely remind the current generation of system education to bring the life of art and history to our class again. And it should not be mentored only through memorization; somewhat, to enlighten the students about the beauty within tragedies. You can also check his website at http://williamhchristbooks.com/. Be delighted with his creations and nourish your souls with his blogs. Above all, William Christ did an excellent job promoting history and art's significance. His books will certainly not disappoint you. His great eloquence in writing is worth the money and time.