Watering the plants, catching chickens in the morning, and harvesting fresh tomatoes — Farming is one of the best hobbies you can do to enjoy nature and practice self-sustainability. Life can be as simple as living on a farm because you have everything you need. The best thing is to get fresh food every day without the urban noise distractions.
Children should spend time outdoors, away from screens and electronics. We should encourage them to be involved in healthy and fun activities such as planting. Let them feel the fresh air, endless fun, and exercise by carrying tools, water, growing plants, pruning. With that small addition, you help them develop new skills and learn about science and nature. Let them move around, dig in the soil, get dirty and create things! With this fact, parents should practice this option for their children more often.

"A child, more than anyone else, is a spontaneous observer of nature" - Maria Montessori.
Greater than that, it can be of service not only to children but also to adult readers. "Let's Go See Mother Wilkerson's Farm: Adventures in Learning Excellence" gives a glimpse of the farming culture during the early 20th century. In part of Volume 1 (Art and History Adventures), readers may feel time traveling 100 years ago imagine who could be farming in those years without technology. From this idea, people will create new things from the known to the unknown. It is one advantage of learning from past practices.
Volume two tackles the concept of enterprise. It takes the reader through the traditional model of a farm. It showcased the evolution of the enterprise, for instance, starting from the classic lemonade stand to electronics and architecture – in other words, Innovation!

Unique and Colorful, these are words to describe Mother Lizzie Wilkerson's artworks featured in volume one. This gives the readers fine visuals to unravel the history of farming and its evolution through time. The book also provides an engaging activity by seeking the details found in the painting by the numbers. Little do you know that Mrs. Lizzie Wilkerson is a distinguished artist of all time. Her masterpieces hang in the most prestigious museums of the United States. "Animal Parade" is in the permanent collection at the Museum of American Folk Art, New York, New York; "Covington Country Plantation" hangs in the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C. and "Pink Angel" is in the permanent collection at Atlanta High Museum of Art.
Buy now and get a free 18' X 24" poster from the author. This book offers more than just a simple story about farming. But also, the innovation and history of how it eventually emerged from the efforts of early farmers to productive ones today. This is the realization of taking these new opportunities for expanding the culture of farming. With this powerful value, it brings a feeling of appreciation and gratitude for what we have today.
For more visit, his website at http://www.excelinlearning.com/, and you can contact him directly at ehookspc@yahoo.com.