Braving the feeling of fear, overcoming challenges, and having the courage has always been the theme of most writers in times of adversities to capture the readers' interest.
Inspiring stories about endurance continues to show the world that there are no boundaries to courage and faith. A perfect example, Hellen Keller, the renowned American author, political activist, and lecturer, born healthy and became deaf and blind at 19 months, depicts The Power of Attitude Capital, a book from the business author Marc Lamont.
Helen was able to discover her skills and talent amidst her disability through the help of her mentor, Anne Sullivan. She wrote "Optimism," an essay that expressed her message of faith and strength through adversity that resonated with those injured returning from the war. Her ability to work with leaders to shape global policy on vision loss made her an effective ambassador for people with disabilities worldwide.
Another notable character is Tulo in The Gift of Acabar, whose struggle in life started when he lost his parents at a young age. A terrible storm came, and he had to take care of his younger sister. The story unfolds, showing how Tulo ended up showing his great faith, helping out people in his community changed their ways, and how he achieved his full potential.
Adversity is not a curse but a blessing. William Ernest Henley, the author of the famous poem, "Invictus" with the classic lines—My head is bloody but unbowed'— showcased his courage, refusing to accept defeat while enduring an intensely painful time in the hospital. In his 20s, with one of his legs amputated, he aptly holds the line 'I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.'
These successful people have all things in common

He touches on real leadership, having the power to help other people manage their attitude capital. Also, he reveals that:

His book seeks to motivate individuals and organizations to work on the opportunities for growth towards success.
When asked about his meaning of successful people..
